Monday, February 7, 2011

Step 34 Marions Bay - Adelaide CBD (again) 427 km's including tour of west coast Eyre Peninsula

Friday 4th February

“Knock knock”

“Who's there”

“The dunny man, your dunnys done”
Yep Loo lotto followers it's that time of the week again. To be honest we probably could have lasted another day but in deference to the guests at the hotel we will be parking outside tonight we decided to go in empty.

Despite not making the trip into the National Park at Marions Bay we did encounter some of the local fauna on the way

It would seem the South and West coasts of the Yorke are a little more attractive than the West coast. Whiter sand and bluer water. But the tide goes out a long long way and it seems to be a very shallow drop.
Yep, that's a tractor - about 400 meters out to sea from the high tide mark

At Point Thurton it seems that it's mandatory to have: a large shed (or two); a boat (or two); a tractor (to get your boat(s) to and from the water) and three (or six) large water tanks.
Yep, the sheds are bigger than the houses.

Lunch at the Minlaton bakery was an almost obligatory Cornish Pastie.

Informational note: This part of the peninsula is known as the Copper Coast and in the 1800's many Cornish miners came here to work in the mines. They still maintain their Cornish heritage and all the local bakeries specialise in Cornish Pasties

Informational Note 2: There is no corn in a cornish pastie. Actually there's no cornish miners in a cornish pastie either. I think it all has to do with their origins Cornwall. (there is no corn in a Cornwall either).

Port Victoria - Home of the Windjammers, the multi masted sailing ships that sailed to England via Cape Horn & from England via the Roaring 40's. Amazingly they were  still plying their trade in the 1940's

Stopped for a quick break at Moonta Bay and afternoon tea. The Moonta Bay Caravan Park is actually right on the beach and is a potentially a reasonable spot to stop on a return visit.

Di took the wheel for the trip back to Adelaide and Steve took a valium. All in all the trip back wasn't too bad and the Friday night traffic as we got closer to Adelaide could have been worse. 
If Di is driving, then Steve is navigating right? Dublin ???

Given Marita was not arriving until 8:00 we made our way to the Ti Tree Plaza shopping centre with the plan of grabbing some nibblies at the supermarket and a quick bite at the food court. The plan was foiled because Adelaide shuts at 6:00 on Fridays. Well at least the shops and food court were closed, the supermarket was open.

Packing the nibblies and an overnight bag it was off to the hotel in MM. Parking was a little scarce by the hotel but we managed to get parked on the other side of the park and ventured down the road to Hungry Jacks for a quick bite. Now I don't want to appear uppity


The clientel were interesting to say the least:
       the girls from the local “Ho's R Us” on their break
       two older guys who may or may not have escaped from a somewhere
       a guy wearing a “free hugs” t-shirt trying to engage the security guard in an intellectual discussion      
       about the implied humour and wit of the message on his t-shirt
the fact there was a security guard in a fast food place at 6:30pm was interesting in itself

but the burgers and fries were nice

Arriving at the hotel before Marita, we managed to check in with no problems and took full advantage of the facilities and revelled in the luxury of showering without thongs on.

Also managed to move MM to the front of the hotel, which  allowed us to check on Herb's repair job on the roof. Nice work Herb.

Despite the Do Not Disturb sign we had placed on the door Marita burst through the door not long after we had settled in. Luckily for Marita's mental health the days of the Do Not Disturb sign actually meaning something are passed.

With the cheese and biccies, Sparkling Shiraz (from Padthaway Estate); Shiraz, Baileys and chocolates suitably consumed and with the clock ticking three hours past our normal bed time Toodles and us toodled off to bed.

Editors Note: I did request that Marita might like to bring her trolley dolly friends back to a party in her room but: one was her boss and that didn't seem appropriate; one had gone off to stay with family; and the male attendant didn't fancy me from the photo she showed him. Oh well at least my fantasy of staying in a penthouse suite in Vegas with twins came true. Albeit not quite the way I imagined it.

Saturday 5th February

In a sign of the relative consumption of the goodies last night, Di awoke with a craving for Panadol and Steve & Marita did not. Or maybe it was just that Di didn't cope with sleeping in an air conditioned room. Enough said.

View from our balcony

Buffet breakfast in the hotel set us up nicely for the day and the cappuccinos finished it off beautifully. Marita nearly missed her pick up for the airport when the fire alarm went off while she was up in the room grabbing her bags. She did miss out on the 6 hunky firemen in reception.

Before she left we got to meet the rest of the crew in reception before they left and the male attendant is now kicking himself for not coming to the party back at Marita's room last night.

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