Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Step 72 Dampier to Peawah River via Karratha 220 km's

Monday 6th June

What is going on here. It's been raining through the night and it's still drizzling when we wake up. Granted we are still in shorts because it's not cold, so we are still somewhat better off than we would be if we were in Melbourne for the winter. Or England for the summer ;-)

The European backpackers in tent city are probably not feeling so sanguine about it all though. It looks pretty damp over there.
Proof readers note: just say happy. Sanguine? really?

The plan today is to have a drive around Karratha and check out the scenes of some of Mr & Mrs King's best early work. Although to be fair Mr Kings work in boating with the Great White Sharks in Albany is going to take some beating. (See Albany entry – Step 51)

Did a quick circuit of Karratha, visiting the old King residence and Lee's old school. That's the school where her teaching career started, not where she went to school. Where she went to school is still sealed off as an archeological dig. (Just kidding Lee xxx).

Proof readers note: Stupid jibe Stephen, Lee is younger than you.

Like all of us oldies, bits are drooping or dropping right off

We did stop in at Point Sampson with the thought of possibly staying there but despite both caravan parks looking very nice we decided to push on to a free camp a bit up the road. May as well save some money where we can. We are beginning to think that Broome may be a little expensive.

While we were there we decided it must be time for afternoon tea so we took in the view.

These boats were too big for trailers

Back on the main road and we are starting to see a lot more cattle, including some Brahman bulls/cows.

Editors note: This reminds me of one of the times I was in Beijing

Proof readers note: Oooooh look at you, Mr. “I used to be an international jetsetter”. Is this story relevant?

Editors note: If I may continue. I was at this BBQ restaurant, in Beijing, where they bring you slices of meat from the spit. As each course came out my Chinese host would translate for me:
“Steve, this is Rump”;
“Steve, this is Rib”;
“Steve, this front leg”;
“Steve, this is the hump”;
Hang on, hold the phone. Hump? What is this a camel?
Oh, I get it. Brahman bull/cow (see that was the link). Phew that's a relief, although not very tasty to be honest.
“ OK Steve, this is the last course. This is the cow's boy bits”
Excuse me?
Ever the quick thinker - “Oh, thank you Ji, but I am absolutely full. I don't think I could eat another morsel. What a shame, I've missed the best bit.”.

Back in Australia – we pulled into the Peawah River, free campsite. Yep absolutely free. Predictably , given the price and the fact that we are a little late, it's quite full. But we managed to slip in next to the caravans and settle in for the night.

Facilities outside are basic but we are self contained in MM and settle in for an omelette for dinner, plug in the inverter and snuggle up on the couch/dining suite/bed to watch NCIS.

“Livin the dream baby.”

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