Thursday, July 14, 2011

Step 81 Kununurra – Lake Argyle 71 km's

Wednesday 29th – Friday 1st July
A short trip up the road to Lake Argyle today, as I mentioned earlier a lot of people have been saying how nice it is up there and we also want to do the River cruise. I also want to catch up with Lee from Sunbury and thank him for his inspirational speech that contributed to my “un-wellness” on the flight over the Bungles.

Predictably when we do catch up with the Sunbury mob everybody finds my misfortune hilarious.
Moving on. Lake Argyle did not disappoint, the drive in is the beautiful Kimberley countryside we have come to love and the caravan park is nestled at the top of a hill overlooking one of the many bays of the Lake. Surprisingly, the infinity pool which features heavily in the park's advertising material actually looks as good as it does in the brochure.

While the Sunbury mob head off on the Sunset cruise and Di catches up on bits and pieces in the van I headed off on an adventure walk along the ridge. Very pleasant it is too, up hill and over dale but very pretty.
Might be time to turn around now Steve 

Having done my exercise for the day is off for an early shower and settle in for a well deserved wine o'clock.

Motorhome ghetto

Thursday 30th June

All this fresh Kimberley air must be getting to me as I managed another walk this morning, up to the water tower lookout this time.
Lesson for today: If the path is to a “lookout” it's more likely to be up hill than down hill.

Anyway, the walk was worth it for the view. In fact it was so good Di got me to drive her up there in MM later so she could check it out.
We had time for the drive because unfortunately the river cruise we had planned to do is not running for some reason. On the other hand it gave us a chance to drive around, over the dam and out for a picnic lunch beside the river. Very pleasant. I am running out of superlatives for the Kimberley countryside, suffice to say it was a very enjoyable day.

In the afternoon we even had time to take a dip in the famous infinity swimming pool.

Lesson 2 for the day: Just because the average temperature up here is in the 30's it doesn't mean that the pool gets warm. Brisk doesn't do it justice, nor does refreshing nor bracing, nor quite cool. Let's go with bloody freezing.

Suggestion for caravan park – solar water heating
View from inside the pool
Didn't get to see it for long - hypothermia was setting in

Wine o'clock outside tonight and despite a few extra flies very pleasant. Whilst out on my evening constitutional chatted to a guy frying up a fish on the BBQ. Freshly caught today down at the spillway. A three kilo Sooty Grunter (I had trouble remembering the name until I associated it with: Maria Sharapova after cleaning the chimney. I then had trouble getting back to thinking about the blog). For our fisher folk readers I believe the fish are also know as black bream (if you are still interested in the fish and can take your mind off the dusty Ms Sharapova).

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