Sunday, January 16, 2011

Step 22 Bathurst - Forbes via Parkes (250 km's)

Saturday 15th Jan
The rain is back ! Nothing too severe but yet again it occurs on a day when we are travelling. Mmmm?
Just in case we don’t see one for awhile, we stopped at Aldis on the way out of town.
Stopped in Orange for Di to duck into the bakery and she came out with bread rolls AND a proper cream bun, one without real cream. Yep mock cream makes a proper cream bun. I love you Di :-)
Editors note: remember to call Ripley - Believe it or not Orange is not famous for Oranges, it’s famous for stone fruit. I know, I know, how do these things happen?
This was in a Park at Parkes - it reminded me of the Hogwarts Express

Got to Parkes Radio Telescope at 1:00pm in time to have rolls for lunch in MM. Would have had the cream bun too but I ate that over a 100km’s ago.
To be honest, and call me a scientific philistine here, but I am not entirely convinced about this whole “radio” telescope thing. It appears to me that they “listen” to the sky and if they hear a G sharp coming in from the general direction of “ a long way away” they interpret that as  wow, there is a giant gaseous planet 400,000 kms in diameter orbitting Aplha Centauri”.  It’s certainly not the way we did things at the European Space Agency when I worked there (in PC support). 
Anyway, before I was tempted to share my thoughts with the CSIRO staff there we drove back through Parkes heading for Forbes. Imagine our disappointment when we discovered we had missed the annual Elvis festival by mere days. We were going to remove some of that disappointment by visiting the Elvis museum at the Parkes information centre but decided to save the $10 a head and play the pokies somewhere and pretend we were in Vegas (like when I had a job).
Editors note: No one  has actually been able to tell us why there is an annual Elvis festival or a permanent Elvis museum in Parkes. But the guy in the burger shop did look strangely familiar and when he gave me my change he did say “thank you very much”. 
Boom boom.
Think we discovered part of the problem in Bathurst - someone left the gate open

Checked in to the Country Club Caravan Park for two nights, eventually. The lady who runs the place had just sent her 5 grandchildren home (all aged under 10) after having them for two weeks. I think she was quite glad of adult conversation to be honest so we did end up having quite a loooong chat. She was so excited she gave us a discount on the standard $24 per night fee so the budget for January is looking good still.   
Sunday 16th Jan
OK, now this is the weather we were expecting, it’s hot and sunny. Albeit with a nice cool breeze every now and then.
But in big news, we are going to have to hit the RSL’s and other clubs again because the breakfast bacon was the last of the meat tray raffle meat ! 
Walked in to town via the Information centre and their Ben Hall exhibition and video. Interesting how we make heroes of our villains.

Di, while she refused to admit it, got quite homesick for Geeelong on the walk because we passed a tractor shop. Memories of Shannon Avenue came flooding back and I think I saw her choke back a tear. In fact she was so emotional she couldn’t even drag herself up on the steps to get a photo.
Forbes itself is another town that has managed to preserve a lot of it’s history and heritage. Prospering on the back of the local gold rush it has managed to survive and prosper. Most importantly, it has a coffee shop that is open on Sundays, and, they make a very nice iced coffee (no cream - we are watching our figures).

The park in the centre of town also had a plaque commemorating the Light Horsemen so I have included a photo, just for you Jean. xx

Well that’s about us up to date now, we are heading over to the camp kitchen tonight for our first proper happy hour. To be honest there aren’t that many people in the park but we got invited by  a couple from Cairns this morning so we will wander over. Just to be polite and sociable. Hopefully Di doesn't get so sociable she falls over. Again.
Tomorrow it’s off to Cowra, stopping off at McFeeters Motor Museum here in Forbes before we leave.

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