Sunday, January 23, 2011

Step 24 Young - Junee via Temora

Tuesday 18th Jan

Up early this morning  and quickly off to the bakery to pick up the pies. Since the bakery was also a proper coffee shop we didn't think that Herbie's rule of not having cappuccinos at a bakery applied and took a chance. Phew, not bad at all.
Forgot to mention the uniquely NSW method of angle parking. Reverse in to kerb.   Di loves it, one day she did it seven times in three different parking spots before she let us out to go to the coffee shop.
Proof readers note: Dianne strongly refutes this allegation

Despite the web site not making the place sound all that attractive we decided to take Georgie's advice and checked out the Temora Air Museum. Predictably my dad's advice was better than the Internet and it turned out to be a good choice. All the aircraft they have on display are airworthy, and they fly too. Di was all cultured out, having visited the car museum yesterday so she stayed in MM and caught up with e-mails and phone calls while I toured around.

I was going to give the guy a hand to put this lot back together but Di pointed out that after I rebuilt my Escort engine it caught on fire while she was driving it.
After lunch in MM (budget conscious) headed off to Junee

For the last day or so (and it turned out for quite a few days after) we have been literally bombarded by white butterflies. They have been absolutely plastering the front of MM. I believe that I shall call them - Suicide Butterflies (in Latin Suicidus Butterflyus).

The reason for our visit to Junee was another Kendall Snr recommendation - the Junee Licorice factory - yummo.

Unfortunately we were a little late to see them actually making the licorice but we did see them doing some choc coating and we got to taste some. We also did the tour which included a Licorice Vertical Bowling competition, which we duly won. Woo hoo, a free packet of licorice.

Editors note: Licorice Vertical Bowling involves one person (Steve) lobbing a giant blob of licorice through a hatch about 15 ft off the ground which duly fall down a shaft and knocks over a set of nine pins which the other person (Di) tries to catch before they hit the ground. Extremely difficult but we triumphed.

Had a quick look around Junee Railway Square but didn't go out to the Junee Railway Turntable - the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. I'll probably rue that as a missed opportunity later in life. But then again, maybe not.

As Di and I constitute a quorum for the executive planning committee for this trip we had a planning meeting over drinks and nibblies. Given there was nothing in particular we wanted to see for a while we decided to make a dash for Mildura tomorrow.

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